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Item # Description 1-15 15-50 50-100 100+ Quantity Total
Vaccinate – 25¢
$6.16 $5.63 $5.53 $5.42

Product Specs

Type: Bantams
Origin: Belgium
Purpose: Ornamental
Availability: First of Feb - End of Jun
Comb Type: Single
Egg Color: Tinted
Egg Size: PeeWee
Rate of Lay: 104/Year
Broodiness: Yes
Temperament: Docile
Leg Style: Feather
Mature Male Weight: 26 oz
Mature Female Weight: 22 oz


Next Available Date

  • 19
  • Feb
  • 2025

Bantam d'Uccles were developed in Belgium in the early 1900's when Booted Bantams were crossed with Belgian Bearded d'Anver Bantams. Golden Neck d'Uccle bantam chicks are light buff or straw colored with light buff on the wings, chest and abdomen. They have single combs, beards, muffs, and feathered legs and feet. Adult females are primarily golden bay with each feather ending in a V-shaped white spangle. The upper webs of the wing primaries, secondaries and main tail are creamy white. The males have golden bay beards and muffs that are tipped with a creamy white V-shaped spangle. Most of the remaining plumage is golden bay tipped with a creamy white spangle. The wing primary and secondary upper webs, main tail and sickles of the tail are creamy white.

Our bantams are purebred and represent the breed and variety; however, we do not guarantee or represent that they are of show quality.